Saturday, October 30, 2010

I Don't Recommend Getting in the Water...

But I do highly recommend taking a trip to Great Falls national park. Part of the C&O Canal, the falls are formed because the Potomac River reaches the fall line at this point. The river drops in elevation from 140ft to 10ft over only a 15mile stretch of river (also known at the Potomac Gorge).

At Great Falls specifically, the river drops 60ft is just over half a mile.

The result of this dramatic change in elevation can be seen in the pictures below:
(note: not all were snapped by me).

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lets Move to the Country

These were taken while wandering around during the famous CONS Ciderfest. An annual event, which I had the pleasure of attending. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Did anyone else have such thoughts as a child?

I came across a passage in On the Road that stuck a strong a chord with a memory from my childhood.

"I told Dean that when I was a kid and rode in cars I used to imagine I held a big scythe in my hand and cut down all the trees and posts and even sliced every hill that zoomed past the window. "Yes! Yes!" yelled Dean. "I used to do it too only different scythe--tell you why. Driving across the West with the long stretches my scythe had to be immeasurably longer and it had to curve over distant mountains, slicing off their tops, and reach another level to get at further mountains and at the same time clip off every post along the road, regular throbbing poles. ..." might ask, "Why did that dredge up a childhood memory?"

Saturday, October 2, 2010

10-2-10 Mix

If you like the mix, you can download it using the following link:
10-2-10 Mix.mp3
(right click and "save as")